
July 12, 2016

A vote to protect people of conscience

On Wednesday, the House will vote on the Conscience Protection Act of 2016 (S 304), which prohibits people with conscience or religious objections – and churches and religious institutions as well – being forced to participate in abortion. It would also prohibit use of federal funds to discriminate against pro-life Americans.

Arina Grossu of Family Research Council Action provides an example.

"In California and New York, there's a mandate that forces churches and religious organizations to cover abortion in the employee health plans against their moral objections," she says. "So the Conscience Protection Act would ensure that people with moral objections to being involved at all in abortions will not have to be."

Complaints have been filed with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by people forced to participate in abortion. Grossu tells OneNewsNow there's been no protection for those individuals.


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