
June 21, 2016

“Life on Mars” is a powerful new pro-life video

What I know about rap, Christian or otherwise, you could summarize in a nanosecond or two. But the lyrics to Je’kob’s just released music video are not only catchy and infectious, they are powerfully ironic.

Less than four minutes long, the video starts with the premise that scientists and, by extension, the rest of us, go gung-ho when there is the slightest evidence there may be, might have been, or could someday be “life” on the planet Mars. But what about recognizing the life of the unborn on earth?

Or, as Justin Sarachik wrote earlier today...

The concept of the song touches on the paradox of science seeing bacteria on Mars as signs of life, but won’t acknowledge a baby in a womb as a living thing.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.