
April 20, 2016

Nationwide #ProtestPP April 23 to Tell Voters: Planned Parenthood is Bad for America

On April 23, nationally coordinated protests will be held at over 200 Planned Parenthood centers throughout the United States, drawing voters' attention to the ugly side of the nation's largest abortion chain. These protests are being organized by the #ProtestPP coalition, formed in response to the undercover videos released last year showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the harvesting and selling of body parts from aborted children.

Protesters throughout the country will also be standing in solidarity with David Daleiden, the pro-life whistle-blower who is facing baseless civil and criminal charges for conducting a 30-month undercover investigation of the abortion industry's trafficking in fetal tissue. "Planned Parenthood and their powerful allies in government are trying to discredit and silence pro-lifers who are guilty of nothing more than exposing the shocking truth about their abortion practices," said protest co-director Mark Harrington, executive director of Created Equal. "As an investigative journalist, Mr. Daleiden's protected free speech is being criminalized while Planned Parenthood's criminal behavior is being entirely overlooked. On April 23, we'll be setting the record straight in communities all over the country."

The protests will also highlight the gap between Planned Parenthood's claims about their role in women's healthcare and the documented reality. "Planned Parenthood insists that poor women depend on them for basic healthcare," said Monica Miller, protest co-director and head of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, "but in fact they provide fewer and fewer services, to fewer and fewer women every year—except abortion. Planned Parenthood's abortion numbers keep going up. They're now responsible for nearly a third of all abortions in our country."

For more information, please contact:

Monica Miller, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, 248-444-9096,

Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-98000

Eric Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League, 773-251-8792,

See also