
April 13, 2016

Guttmacher report finds teen abortion rate in 2011 lowest since abortion legalized

The headline is hugely encouraging, and in line with other data both from Guttmacher and from the Centers for Disease Control: “U.S. Teen Pregnancy, Birth and Abortion Rates Reach the Lowest Levels in Almost Four Decades.”

In 2011, the abortion rate for teenager s (15-19) was 13.5/1,000 women, the lowest since abortion was legalized in 1973. The peak was in 1988–44/1,000–meaning a decrease of 69%.

The teenage pregnancy rate–52.4/1,000– was the lowest in more than 30 years, according to Guttmacher.

The teenage birthrate–31.3/1,000–was roughly half the 1991 high point of 61.8/1,000, according to the report [].

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