
March 31, 2016

Planned Parenthood marks 100th anniversary with yet another facelift

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, relies on the marketing equivalent of frequent cosmetic surgery to maintain their pretty pink façade of caring about women. Literally making a business out of butchering preborn children and manipulating women every day, the 100-year-old organization has gone through extensive rebrands to continuously blur their primary source of profit: abortion. Planned Parenthood must constantly reinforce the lie that they are a healthcare provider with an altruistic heart for poor and minority women in order to remain current.

Their current rebrand, reported by FastCo Design, was hatched in 2014. Unbeknownst to the organization, the Center for Medical Progress spent that year inside Planned Parenthood abortion facilities and in meetings with their executives across the nation, gathering scathing undercover footage that would irrevocably damage the carefully-constructed façade the organization spent one hundred years polishing. Nonetheless, FastCo Design reveals that Planned Parenthood is on-schedule with their latest marketing ploys, the “Planned Parenthood Experience.”

“When Ideo [the consultancy behind the latest rebrand] and Planned Parenthood delved into ways to improve their operations,” reports FastCo Design, “it always came back to the employees, everyone from health care providers to administrative staff and security.” This is bad news for Planned Parenthood in light of legion evidence that the company’s employees are often bereft of humane concern for the women they purport to serve.

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