
March 31, 2016

National Right to Life: Punish abortionists, not women

The National Right to Life Committee, the federation of 50 state affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters today restated its position that, should abortion once again become illegal in the United States, penalties should be imposed against the abortionist himself, not the woman who has the abortion.

The following statement may be attributed to National Right to Life President Carol Tobias:

The National Right to Life Committee unequivocally opposes the killing of innocent unborn children and works unceasingly to have them protected in law. Unborn children and their mothers are victims in an abortion. In adopting statutes prohibiting the performance of abortions, National Right to Life has long opposed the imposition of penalties on the woman on whom an abortion is attempted or performed. Rather, penalties should be imposed against any abortionist who would take the life of an unborn child in defiance of statutes prohibiting abortions. National Right to Life-backed state and federal legislation, such as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Dismemberment Abortion Ban, is targeted at stopping abortionists.

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