
March 14, 2016

Abortion group misleads 37th House District voters with endorsement

Illinois' Personal PAC, as always, is encouraging Illinois voters to vote only for pro-abortion candidates in the primary. Problem is they included a staunch pro-life state representative as the only House Republican in their March 15th primary endorsement list.

"I have no idea why they included my name on that list," State Rep. Margo McDermed (R-Mokena) told Illinois Review Monday. "I didn't return their required questionnaire, and they couldn't have based it on my voting record."

McDermod said she has been in contact with Personal PAC, but was unable to talk to the Executive Director Terry Cosgrove and staff indicated that he was the one that presented the list to their endorsement committee. Sometime this morning McDermed's name was removed from one endorsement list HERE, but remains on another HERE.

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