
February 3, 2016

Another historical step for the unborn

Today an important historical step occurred on our road to returning protection to the unborn. It won’t lead to a new law – not yet – but it is an important victory nonetheless.

Today, pro-lifers got as close as we’ve come to eliminating virtually all federal funding of Planned Parenthood, and also to repealing major anti-life provisions of Obamacare. Working strategically with pro-life leaders in Congress, we won important votes on the floors of the House and Senate, employing a rarely used procedural technique called Budget Reconciliation to get the bill that we call the “pro-life budget reconciliation bill” to the president’s desk.

That Barack Obama chose to veto the bill, and today got enough of his Democratic House members to vote to uphold his veto, doesn’t end the issue. Not at all.

What it does is to show America what we need to advance from this important step to ultimate enactment: a pro-life president in 2016 who will not veto the bill.

It’s that simple.

Click here for more from National Right to Life.