
January 21, 2016

Some pro-choice activists admit abortion kills life: ‘I knew it was a baby’

(Pictured: Faye Wattleton, former president Planned Parenthood)

It is usually assumed, in the abortion debate, that the fundamental difference between the pro-life and pro-choice positions is the question of when life begins. Pro-life people point to the scientific fact that the life of each organism begins at conception, when the sperm and egg meet to form a new individual with its own DNA different from that of the mother and father. As this new life implants and begins to grow, it has its own circulatory system, heartbeat, and developing body, making it an independent organism and a very young member of the human species.

Pro-choice activists, on the other hand, argue that the fetus in the womb is not a person, not a baby – instead, just a “thing” that will eventually become a human being. However, in a disturbing new trend, more and more pro-choice activists are changing their tune and admitting that an unborn baby is a person, and that their pro-choice stand is based not on the belief that the baby is inhuman, but rather on the belief that killing the baby is okay.

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