
December 10, 2015

Obama Backs Planned Parenthood Rally But Avoids Ever Saying ‘Abortion’

President Obama showed solidarity with the nation’s No. 1 abortion provider this weekend by expressing that America is “a people who stand up for the rights of women to make their own decisions about their health,” according to a statement that never once mentioned “abortion.”

This was part of Planned Parenthood’s National Day of Solidarity Saturday to show support for “access to safe reproductive healthcare, including abortion,” in the wake of the shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic. To show his support, President Obama sent Tina Tchen, the Assistant to the President, with a statement.

“I commend Planned Parenthood for convening this important event,” Tchen read on Obama’s behalf to the hundreds gathered in All Souls Church Unitarian in D.C. “I share your heartbreak about the tragedy that occurred at Planned Parenthood’s center in Colorado.”

Click here for the origination article.