
December 16, 2015

A Surprising Venue for Christmas Carols: Abortion Clinics

"No pregnant woman heads joyfully into an abortion clinic," said Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League, as he explains why pro-life advocates are gathering outside of abortion providers to sing Christmas carols. This is part of the Pro-Life Action League's nationwide "Empty Manger Christmas Caroling" event. Over the dozen years that the Pro-Life Action League has caroled outside of abortion clinics, the group has seen their share of Christmas miracles—women who choose life.

"We are here to counter that walk toward darkness with the invitation to choose life for the child they are carrying, a baby like the one meant to lay in the empty manger we gather around for our caroling," Scheidler shared. "It's particularly sad to think of someone getting an abortion during the time of Christmas, when we remember hope springing forth with the birth of a child. It can also be a special time to reach women and help them decide to not go through with the abortion."

Christmas carols evoke beautiful images of a mother and her newborn child—but also contain references to healing, mercy and salvation. "'Light and life to all He brings, ris'n with healing in His wings'—that's from 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing,'" added Scheidler, "That's the message we are offering: choose life not death. That is the path to light, hope and healing."

Click here for the originating article from Christian Newswire.