
November 25, 2015

Planned Parenthood founder’s grandson supports abortion but concedes points to pro-lifers

Alexander Sanger (pictured), the grandson of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, is dedicated to the pro-abortion movement. In 2004 he wrote a book called Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom in the 21st Century. In it, he makes his support for abortion very clear. But there are several passages from the book that seem to concede pro-life points.

Sanger is definitely no champion of preborn babies. In the following excerpt, the term “reproductive freedom” is a code word for abortion on demand.

Reproductive freedom is vital to humanity. It is even more vital than all the other freedoms that we cherish – freedom of religion, freedom of thought and speech, and the freedom to live our lives as we see fit. Humanity has these freedoms, or should have them, because they add to human happiness and make for a better world. So does reproductive freedom. (70)

Click here for the originating article from Live Action News.