
November 30, 2015

Nothing 'pro-life' about shooter's actions

The accused gunman, 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear, makes his first court appearance today in the wake of the weekend shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs that left three people dead. Planned Parenthood is making the most of Dear's alleged comments as he was arrested Friday night. The Associated Press reports that in the middle of a rambling statement he said "no more baby parts."

In a statement released after the shooting, Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains, said "continued attacks against abortion providers ... is creating a poisonous environment that breeds acts of violence." But investigators in Colorado Springs are refusing to say the shooting had anything to do with Planned Parenthood.

Pro-life leaders across the country quickly and unequivocally condemned the shooting, among them Tony Perkins, who was among those targeted at the Family Research Council offices by a deranged gunman who had thoughts of killing "right-wing Christians" in August 2012.

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