
November 13, 2015

Living Hope that Speaks to Life

The words still haunt my mind: “In memory of our aborted grandchild.”

I have signed hundreds of acknowledgments for gifts given in memory of someone, but this one—it just seemed out of place. What was it doing there with the others? What kind of culture do we live in that precipitates such unnatural sorrow?

It is a culture of death, a culture that results from hopelessness and leads to hopelessness. This culture persuaded the son or daughter of the above grandparents that things were hopeless and the only way out of this situation was the death of the baby. But the reality of this desperate and hopeless act only brought despair and hopelessness.

It struck me on a personal level that I was about to sign this one as I signed all the others, those given in memory of a grandma or a husband, etc., as if they were the same. The culture of death fosters that kind of thinking as well. It numbs us to the scope of the horror of abortion and of choosing death to solve our problems at any stage of life. Our culture leads us to believe these are just “issues” on par with so many others.

Click here for the originating article from Lutherans for Life via National Right to Life.