
October 23, 2015

Is a Notorious Chicago Abortion Clinic Quietly Closing?

The Albany Medical-Surgical Center abortion facility, run by the Family Planning Associates (FPA) chain, has long been notorious for not-safe-but-legal abortions, as witnessed chiefly by four (4) women who died following abortions performed there: Maria Rodriguez, Nakia Jorden, Maria Leho, and, most tragically of all, 13-year old Deanna Bell.

The last day the Albany abortion clinic was open was Saturday, October 17. Since then, it’s been closed. A sign on the door now directs people to another FPA abortion facility in downtown Chicago, and the large sign in the facility’s parking lot that formerly said, “Family Planning Associates Medical Group” is now blank.

Whether this closure is temporary or permanent remains to be seen, but regardless, we know that babies are no longer being killed there, and that is cause for rejoicing—especially considering that this news comes in the midst of a 40 Days for Life vigil held outside Albany for the sixth consecutive year.

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