
August 18, 2015

What the House is Doing About Planned Parenthood

The following was distributed today by the office of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca.)

The videos of Planned Parenthood employees detailing and engaging in gruesome abortion practices are profoundly disturbing, and no person can escape being sickened by what Planned Parenthood is doing and the callousness of how they do it. The White House may not want to look at the problem in the face, but the rest of America knows that as good and decent people, we can’t turn a blind eye to Planned Parenthood’s abortion industry.

When these videos first came out, the House immediately started investigating Planned Parenthood. And over the course of over a month, we have demanded answers to determine whether abortion providers are profiting from selling fetal body parts and organs, whether abortion providers change procedures in order to maximize their harvesting of body parts, and if there are any other violations of federal law or ways Congress can respond to these horrifying practices.

We need to get all the facts about Planned Parenthood so that the American people know exactly what is going on. Once we’ve gotten to the bottom of Planned Parenthood’s abortion business, we can work to stop any illegal selling of fetal body parts and make sure no taxpayer is ever forced to give their money to fund these repulsive practices.

Click here for the originating article from NRLC.