
August 12, 2015

Pro-abortion Senator Kirk collaborating with Illinois' Planned Parenthood?

On August 3, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk was the lone* Republican to vote against a measure to defund Planned Parenthood, this despite horrific revelations from, at that point, four undercover videos showing various Planned Parenthood high level executives admitting - bragging even - about selling aborted baby parts for profit.

Former Congressman Bobby Schilling penned an op ed in the Chicago Tribune imploring Kirk to reconsider his position. He, too, agreed someone needs to challenge Kirk, and rumor has it that someone could be him.

By the night of August 5, Kirk was feeling the heat. One of his campaign staffers forwarded Fran Eaton, editor of Illinois Review, what appears to be the only known copy of the following press release. It is not and never has been on his website, nor has it been sent to anyone else that we know of. This is because it contains a glaring oopsie. See if you can spot it:

Click here for the originating article from Illinois Review.