
August 13, 2015

Planned Parenthood scandal may have international effects

A pro-life organization is anticipating the possibility that Europe may soon be ending its relationship with Planned Parenthood.

The abortion business has lately been the target of several undercover videos showing staff discussing the sale of aborted baby organs and tissue, and Joseph Meaney of Human Life International tells OneNewsNow the controversy is not limited to the United States.

"It kind of shows, I think, the globalization of the pro-life movement, because Planned Parenthood's troubles in the USA are turning into international Planned Parenthood Federation's troubles all over the world," Meaney offers. "The European Commission now has been asked to investigate Planned Parenthood in Europe based on the fact that Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been caught doing all these things here in the USA."

A member of the European Parliament, Miroslav Mikolasik, filed the complaint with the Commission in part because the Commission provides funds for the international abortion provider for Africa.

Click here for the originating article from OneNewsNow.