
August 20, 2015

Over 300 Planned Parenthood Protests to Take Place Simultaneously in 47 States August 22

On Saturday, August 22 public protests of Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinics and facilities will take place all over the United States. Thousands are expected to attend these protests with the purpose of creating awareness of the barbaric practice of abortion and the sale of aborted baby body parts -- a scandal that has erupted in recent weeks due to undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. Currently, there are over 300 cities in 47 states and 5 countries represented in the nationwide protest.

Radical pro-abortion groups have organized counter protests in several cities. "We are going to be out there … it's up to us to make a big noise," Sunsara Taylor, founder of, said recently in the Washington Times.

#ProtestPP is the largest demonstration against Planned Parenthood in their 99 year history.

For more information and locations, go to

Click here for the originating article from Christian Newswire.