
July 20, 2015

Warning is out over FDA-approved Essure

A medical expert believes the Food and Drug Administration needs to take precautionary action to warn women using birth control pill Essure. 

Side effects of Essure range from headaches and cramps to uterine perforation and infection in the fallopian tubes, he says. "And also tubal pregnancy," says Dr. Hager, "where in spite of the device, a pregnancy has occurred in the fallopian tube and there's the potential for that pregnancy to rupture. There've even been some deaths that have occurred."

Dr. Hager contends the FDA needs to act, at least in a precautionary manner with a "black box" warning.

FDA has finally listed possible health dangers associated with Essure. It's a shame that the FDA didn't move sooner, Hager adds, because women with long-term use of Essure had been sending in complaints for two to three years.

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