
July 16, 2015

Transcript shows Planned Parenthood director told baby part buyers to contact Cook County's Stroger Hospital

Concerns about medical procedures at Chicago's publicly-funded Stroger Hospital are being raised after a mention of the hospital was found in the published transcript of a conversation that is drawing national attention this week. In the conversation a year ago in California, a high-level Planned Parenthood official discussed harvesting and selling human body parts.

While talking about possible contacts throughout the nation that may be sources for available human tissue following abortions, Planned Parenthood of America Federation's Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, suggested the "buyers" check with the family planning director at Cook County's Stroger Hospital.

While there is yet any confirmation as to whether Stroger Hospital is a source for baby body parts, the Planned Parenthood medical director was correct that the family planning department director at Stroger Hospital is Ashlesha Patel, MD. Stroger Hospital's website currently lists the name and position...

Click here for the originating article from Illinois Review.