
July 22, 2015

Ethically acceptable non-embryonic stem cells once again in the news

Remember when THE SCIENTISTS! insisted that embryonic stem cells and human cloning were the ONLY HOPE to create a vibrant regenerative medical sector? People bought the mendacity, and as one consequence, California is now stuck with the borrow-and-spend-billions boondoggle known as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

 One Japanese scientist [Shinya Yamanaka] saw his own daughters in embryos under a microscope and invented induced pluripotent stem [iPS] cells–that is, stem cells (undifferentiated cells) made from skin cells, that can then be transformed (differentiated) into other kinds of tissues.

In other words the “authorities” adamantly insisted that the future of regenerative medicine– restoring structure and function to damaged tissues and organs–will run through the harvesting of stem cells tissue extracted from embryonic human beings.

But Prof. Yamanaka found an ethical alternative.

Click here for the originating article from National Right to Life