
July 14, 2015

30-month undercover investigation exposes Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby parts

The pro-life undercover group Center for Medical Progress today began revealing findings of a deep undercover investigation:

The Human Capital project is a 30-month-long investigative journalism study… documenting how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies. Citizen journalists at CMP spent two-and-a-half years logging thousands of research hours to painstakingly gather hundreds of hours of undercover footage, dozens of eye-witness testimonies, and nearly two hundred pages of primary source documents.

The investigation included attending five top abortion industry conventions – with undercover video cameras.

CMP investigators found Planned Parenthood is involved in buying and selling aborted baby body parts, which is a federal felony – and while attempting to retrieve those body parts intact sometimes commits partial birth abortions, which is also a federal felony offense and illegal in several states as well.

Click here for the origniating article from Jill Stanek.