
June 4, 2015

Abortionist: ‘A fetus is nothing’

The abortionists who perform these sad and brutal procedures where babies are killed and women scarred for life, are sometimes challenged by stigma, pro-life pressures, and the grisliness of procedures, while some seem to be in it for the money.

For others, performing abortions is an altruistic calling. They believe they are making the lives of women better, or saving them from illegal, back alley abortions. Whether they fully believe this in their hearts, one can only wonder. Some seem to genuinely believe that they are on the side of the angels, making the world a better place for women by killing their unwanted children, setting them free to pursue their goals without hindrance. The fact that the babies have to die is just collateral damage.

In fact, some abortionists even deny the reality that abortion kills babies. They look at the bodies of torn apart babies on a daily basis and manage to convince themselves that these children aren’t human.

Click here for the full article.