May 29, 2015
Endorsement of Darin LaHood for the 18th Congressional District
The Illinois Federation for Right to Life Federal Political Action Committee (IFRL-PAC) and the Illinois Citizens for Life Federal Political Action Committee (ICL-PAC) announce their joint endorsement of Darin LaHood for the nomination as Republican candidate for the 18th Congressional District in the Special Primary Election to be held on July 7, 2015.
The protection of the lives of conceived yet unborn children of Illinois and the nation is the foundation upon which we build all other rights. If we do not restore and maintain protection of the Right to Life for the weakest and most helpless members of our society, we ourselves become endangered.
The Illinois Federation for Right to Life Federal PAC and the Illinois Citizens for Life Federal PAC are pleased to announce their endorsement of Darin LaHood as Republican Candidate for the 18th Congressional District. Not only has Mr. LaHood expressed a desire to protect unborn children but he has also indicated his support for those who are endangered at the end of life.
Dawn Behnke – IFRL – 217-544-9700
Ralph Rivera – ICL - 773-392-8680