
May 1, 2015

Baby born at 19 weeks lives for two hours, kicks his feet in video

Youanna Torres was 19 weeks and six days pregnant when she started to experience cramping and bleeding. Fearing the worst, Torres and her boyfriend, Fernando Viera, rushed to the ER. After an examination, doctors informed Torres that there was nothing they could do to stop her from going into premature labor.

Diagnosed with cervical incompetence (when the cervix begins to open too early during pregnancy) Torres’ baby was born nearly 20 weeks premature on April 4, 2015.

Baby Savier lived for two hours outside of the womb and died in the loving arms of his mother. Because he was born extremely premature, doctors were unable to do anything to save him.

My baby boy my cervix open too early i was 20weeks i miss him i love him i want him back
Posted by Youanna Torres on Sunday, April 5, 2015

Click here for the full article.