
May 14, 2015

Abortuary inspection, fines lead to revocation of license

A Chicago-area late-term abortion clinic with a lengthy track record of violations wants its license back.

Most abortion clinics in Illinois aren't inspected, but that's not the case for Albany which is part of the Family Planning Association, because it is a late-term abortion facility.

Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League tells OneNewsNow that when the inspections were conducted, officials discovered a host of problems.

Scheidler, Eric (Pro-Life Action League) "[They found] unsafe equipment, they found fire hazards, they found a generator that was not installed correctly that could cause not only danger for people trying to flee in the case of a power outage but could actually kill a woman if she were on life support at the time under anesthesia for a late-term abortion."

Click here for the full article.