
April 9, 2015

Sanger on $20 bill is 'disgraceful' to blacks, says pro-lifer

Dr. Clenard Childress of the pro-life group, L.E.A.R.N., is responding to a proposal to put a woman on the $20 bill.

One of the recommendations is Margaret Sanger, the eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood. She believed minorities such as blacks were the weeds of society and should be reduced.

Today, most of their abortion clinics are in black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

"How can this even be considered if it was not for political parties that are basically benefiting from the relationship with Planned Parenthood, and those entities like Planned Parenthood?" Childress asks. "There could be no other explanation for this. It's disgraceful."

Click here for the full article.