
March 3, 2015

2015 Illinois Legislative Update

There are a number of bills currently being heard in the Illinois General Assembly, some very good pro-life bills and some very bad pro-abortion bills.  Here is a summary of legislation currently introduced in the Illinois General Assembly.  Please stay informed for more upcoming action alerts.

Please visit our legislative page often for more updates.  Click here for more information.

Pro-Life Bills:

Ultrasound opportunity act

HB 2701

Chief Sponsor: Representative Barbara Wheeler

Background: This bill was sparked after an Illinois woman was refused by an abortion clinic to see her ultrasound. Frustrated, she left the clinic and instead went to a pregnancy help center that was able to give her a free ultrasound and let her see.

Bill Summary: This bill would require the medical professional to offer any woman seeking an abortion after 8 weeks gestation, the opportunity to receive and view the ultrasound prior to beginning an abortion.
Click here for more information.

Women’s Health and Protection Act

HB 3274

Chief Sponsor: Representative Sheri Jesiel

Background: Illinois abortion clinics receive a health and sanitary inspection an average of once every 9 years. 193 health and sanitary violations were discovered in thirteen of the fourteen licensed women’s clinics when they were inspected between 2011 – 2014 (the majority of the women’s clinics were inspected for the first time in 9-17 years.)  A grave need for regular health and sanitary violations is necessary.

Bill Summary:  This bill does four things:

1) Requires clinics that perform 50 or more surgical abortions in a year to first receive a license from the Illinois Department of Public Health. The license can be a PTSC license (a less restrictive category made only for women’s abortion clinics) or an ASTC which is what other doctors offices are required to be licensed under – such as eye doctors.

Point of Interest: 54% of the abortion clinics open today, are not licensed and therefore have not since 1999 received a health and sanitary inspection. No Planned Parenthood in Illinois has a state license.

2)  This bill requires that each women’s abortion clinic receives an unannounced health inspection once per year.

3) If a violation is found within the clinic that continues to place women’s health at risk (such as unsterile surgical equipment was used), then the clinic doctor is required to issue a notice to all potentially affected patients. A copy of the letter must be included in the plan of correction that is submitted to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

4) The Illinois Department of Public Health will issue a Public Health announcement regarding the violations found that continue to endanger women’s health. It must include the location, the dates when the violation took place, and the issue (for example: HIV, STD, staph infection, tetanus, etc) that the female patients may need to be treated for.
Click here for more information.

Women’s Health Defense and Pain Capable Act

HB 3561

Chief Sponsor: Representative Terri Bryant

Background: Advancements in science and medicine have provided us with substantial evidence showing that unborn children are feel the pain of dismemberment abortion as early as 20 weeks gestation. Documented reactions of unborn children feeling pain during surgery has led fetal surgeons to find it necessary to sedate the unborn child with anesthesia to prevent the unborn child from thrashing about in reaction to invasive surgery.

Bill Summary: This bill would prohibit abortions after the unborn child is 20 weeks gestation. An exception is allowed for a significant health risk that would endanger the mother’s life.
Click here for more information.

Insurance Nutritional Support

HB 120

Chief Sponsor: Representative Mary Flowers

Background: Health insurance companies have denied coverage for intravenous feeding and for enteral or tube even if a doctor deems in a written order one is medically necessary for the health and life of a patient.

Bill Summary: This bill would require insurance companies to provide the same coverage (including co-pay and deductibles) as other benefits within the plan ensuring patience have full access to medically necessary feeding tubes.
Click here for more information.

Pro-abort Bills:

Public Aid for Abortions


Chief Sponsor: Sara Feigenholtz

This bill amends the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 and removes a provision prohibiting the non-contributory portion of a health-benefits program from including the expenses of obtaining an abortion, induced miscarriage or induced premature birth

Bill Summary: This bill removes on restrictions on tax payer funding of abortions
Click here for more information.

Immunization Exemption Amendment


Chief Sponsor: Senator Mulroe

This bill amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to publish on its Internet website the exemption from immunization data it receives from schools. It requires that parents or legal guardians who object to health, dental, or eye examinations or immunizations on religious grounds must present to the appropriate local school authority a Department of Public Health objection form, detailing the grounds for the objection and signed by the parent or legal guardian, as well as a religious official attesting to a bona fide religious objection whose signature must be notarized (instead of presenting a signed statement of objection detailing the grounds for the objection).

Bill Summary: This bill complicates and makes it harder for parents to opt out of immunizations due to parent's & religious rights.
Click here for more information.

Health Care Right of Conscience Act


Chief Sponsor: Senator Biss

This bill amends the Health Care Right of Conscience Act.  This bill requires that notwithstanding any other law, a health care facility, or any physician or health care personnel working in the facility, may refuse to permit, perform, assist in, counsel about, suggest, recommend, refer for, or participate in health care services because of a conscience-based objection.

Bill Summary: This bill undermines Healthcare Right of Conscience
Click here for more information.

Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life with information from Illinois Right to Life