
February 19, 2015

“Selectively Reducing” Our Humanity

Every so often you run across one of those stories that you simply will never forget. If you are a man, often those stories will tell a tale of powerlessness, of an inability to save your unborn child. Because that could be YOU, that utter inability to perform your basic duty—to protect your family—is something that saps your soul and sends chills up and down your spine.

Such is the story, “The New Scar on My Soul,” which ran at

The author is anonymous. I will provide only a few details here because you really do need to read this dirge, this lament from the bottom of his soul.

The outline is simply that having conceived one child via IVF (“the light of our lives”), the couple decided they wanted another child. The doctors implanted three embryos, all “took,” but his wife decided she would not carry three babies.

She would not carry two babies. She would “selectively reduce” triplets to one baby (in the abortion trade the survivor is glibly described as a “singleton.”)

His sad account is of his futile efforts to dissuade her; of the lies they are told about how the babies will die; of his wife’s ambivalence until the very end; of the horror of having to choose between one baby and “none”; implicitly, of the damage done to his marriage; and of the punishment he believes he deserves “For I have failed, intentionally and knowingly, in the first duty of a parent: protecting the lives of two of my children.”

The author bares his soul to the reader. After you read “The New Scar on My Soul,” please be sure to say a prayer for him, his wife, the son who is already with them, and for the child she is carrying.

By Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today