
February 12, 2015

Hold the presses, pro-abortionist discovers pro-lifers help pregnant women

The site is called “Creative Loafing Charlotte,” and I know nothing about it other than I ran across it when an article popped up titled “Pro-lifers have a new weapon: Tenderness.”

Much—most–of Emiene Wright’s column is just the usual filler. Pro-life legislation is out of whack—never mind that every demographic, including young people and women, support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Pro-lifers who are out front legislatively and at rallies are grumpy old geezers comfortable with fire and brimstone rhetoric—never mind that this is a reassuring stereotype that pro-abortionists cling to regardless of all evidence to the contrary.

But the story is interesting because Wright, who describes herself as a “staunch believer in the right for safe and legal access to abortion,” did a “little reconnaissance on ‘the enemy’s’ doings” and found, to her surprise, that not all pro-lifers have horns protruding from their foreheads.

Lo and behold, she discovered (much to her surprise) was that there are pro-life organizations that help women through crisis pregnancies and beyond. Now you and I know that women-helping centers are as old as the Pro-Life Movement itself, but lots of other people don’t.

Wright also discovered a “pregnancy ultrasound bus” (which has been borrowed from Help Crisis Ministry) that offers ultrasounds and counseling to women considering an abortion.

Even as she devotes 3/4ths of her piece to lambasting “junior pastors,” Wright can’t evade the truth that “there a secondary cadre” that “passed out pamphlets and drew people into more personal conversations, answering theoretical and often very personal questions as to what they believed and why.”

Two quick concluding thoughts. First, a seed was planted in Wright’s brain. It is unlikely to flourish because chances are that it will not be watered by Wright looking further into what CPCs and Women-Helping Centers do for young girls and women facing crisis pregnancy.

Second, it is precisely these organizations that NARAL has in its crosshairs. NARAL will grind out phony baloney “studies” that “prove” CPCs are misleading pregnant women when, in fact, what they are doing is simply telling truths about abortion that are threatening to NARAL and its sister organizations.

To the Abortion Establishment, abortion is routine, therefore it is beyond good and evil (although they believe it is a good) simply because it is. Would that logic work if the topic were domestic abuse? Should we not condemn spousal abuse just because it is? Of course not.

The pro-life house has many rooms. Some are occupied by legislative activists, others by people who put their energies into electoral politics, still others by those whose mission it is to help women who are pregnant and do not know what to do.

Each does critically important work.

By Dave Andrusko, NRL News Today