
December 13, 2014

Driving Pro-Lifers Out of Medicine

Fifty years ago doctors were prohibited by the Hippocratic Oath–and most laws–from assisted suicide and abortion.

Now, we see the opening stanzas of forcing doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other medical professionals to be complicit in such killing actions or be driven out of their professions.

The Canadian province of Ontario is the latest example. Today, rules permit dissenting doctors from having to participate in abortions. New rules will force all doctors to be complicit in abortion by either forcing them to do the deed or refer to an abortionist they know will make the unwanted fetus dead. From the Brandon Sun story:

    The regulator, which oversees, licenses and regulates some 28,000 physicians, is also updating its guidelines on how to balance the charter rights of doctors and patients. The proposed changes mean doctors who refuse to perform certain procedures — such as abortions — on moral grounds would have to refer patients to another doctor.

    Physicians were previously allowed to withhold treatment that clashed with their religious and moral beliefs but had no obligation to provide a referral, said Dr. Marc Gabel, the regulator’s former president.

Should assisted suicide/euthanasia become legal throughout Canada–which its Supreme Court may impose soon–doctor-prescribed death will be quickly included in the complicity mandate. That’s already the law under Quebec’s new euthanasia legalization.

Similar laws already exist in Victoria, Australia. In my last national speaking tour there I met doctors who picked up stakes and moved to another state to keep from being complicit in abortion. But what will they do if the NO CONSCIENCE ALLOWED! law goes national?

The Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has proposed a similar rule for doctors and euthanasia. Meanwhile, doctors are allowed there to teach their patients how to commit suicide.

The Culture of Death brooks no dissent! The time is coming–and is already here–when willingness to kill or be complicit in killing, will be a prerequisite to entering or practicing the medical professions.

No Hippocratic-value believers or pro-lifers allowed!

By: Wesley J. Smith via Human Exceptionalism