October 6, 2014

Students Create Unbelievable Works of Art for National Pro-Life Chalk Day

Yesterday, Students for Life of America (SFLA) and other pro-life groups participated in National Pro-Life Chalk Day at junior high, high school and college campuses across the country.

Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life, said SFLA has encouraged sidewalk chalking on college campuses and public places in the past because its one of the cheapest, most creative and effective ways of getting your pro-life message out to as many people as there is foot traffic.

Hawkins said, “Sidewalk chalking pro-life messages on campus is a critical tool to educate students in schools across the country. With a few pieces of chalk and pro-life slogans, you can leave a lasting impression on hundreds or even thousands of people. With National Pro-Life Chalk Day, we are uniting students from across the country as they make an impact on their campus and their communities.”

As it turns out, pro-lifers are pretty artistic! See some of their artwork below!
LifeNews.com by Sarah Zagorski