Rita Diller, national director for STOPP, a division of American Life League, says the abortion giant "has historically hidden a large percentage of its government funding by reporting it as patient income or clinic income but not noting the government source."
But she says four of seven Planned Parenthoods in California have recently fully disclosed the information, including two that are getting 83 percent of their funding from taxpayers, most of it via Medicaid.
A story about STOPP's investigation can be read here.
"We find that nationwide Planned Parenthood shows that 46 percent of its total funding comes from government sources. And that's a huge amount," she tells OneNewsNow.
That's in light of the fact that Planned Parenthood receives about $550 million from the federal government alone.
The pro-lifer alleges that Planned Parenthood wants to be almost totally government funded, "and if we knew the true figures nationwide," she adds, "we may see numbers that more closely resemble right now that 83 percent government funding that we see in California."
Planned Parenthood has denied using tax dollars for abortions but with 83 percent government funding, tax dollars are obviously being used to terminate the lives of preborn babies, Diller says.
By Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow