
August 22, 2014

Abortion Activist Who Attacked Pro-Lifers Ordered to Pay Restitution

The abortion backer who attacked a pro-life man in a profane rant captured on video last month has been ordered to pay restitution and the case has been closed.

Mark Harrington, founder of Created Equal, whose group held abortion victim signs which enraged the abortion activist, provided the update on the case. Previously, Harrinton and Seth Drayer, who was physically attacked (video below) while leading a group of pro-life students in sharing the pro-life message in downtown Columbus, Ohio, said they would drop the charges if Victoria Duran would meet with them.
“We’re willing to drop the charges,” Harrington told Fox News, “In fact, I’ve asked for a meeting with her – if she’s willing to apologize. Seth and I are both Christians, we believe in forgiveness, we’ve already forgiven her. But, if she’s not remorseful she needs to own up to what she’s done.”
The video shows a woman in a Burger King shirt attacking the pro-lifers.

During the attack, she says, ““You’re just a white f—— privileged racist f—— male who doesn’t stand for women’s rights.” The abortion advocate adds, “No uterus, no right to talk about it. Understand, Mother f—–?”

The abortion backer has been identified as Victoria Duran and she is seen on video yelling at the protestors and kicking down their signs.

ABC6/FOX28 caught up with Duran hours later and asked her about her actions.

“The first amendment protects them from government interference it doesn’t protect them from people basically telling them they’re idiots. But you assaulted them? Assault I wouldn’t necessarily say shoving them aside and telling them to keep the camera out of my face as assault. You think it’s okay to push people? I believe that I had the right to tel them the did not have my consent to film me,” said Duran.

WARNING: The following video contains graphic images and language. by Steven Ertelt