
July 14, 2014

Pro-lifer follows Hobby Lobby's lead against mandate


In the aftermath of business owners winning the right to religious freedom from ObamaCare's abortion pill mandate, a Connecticut man is suing for the same right for individuals.

Barth Bracy, who heads the Rhode Island Right to Life Committee and lives with his family in Connecticut, preferred to stick with his medical insurance. But he received a notice from the company that the policy would be canceled. That forced him to go to the ObamaCare exchanges in Connecticut.

"That means they require that a mandatory abortion surcharge be levied against the enrollees in the plan – that would be us – and that we would have to pay that abortion surcharge out of our own pocket," he explains.

Bracy says he won't do that because he opposes abortion based on his faith. So he has filed suit in federal court and is being represented by Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Casey Mattox, who tells OneNewsNow that the Hobby Lobby decision is helpful with the case.

"The violation here is, if anything, even more fundamental because this is about just individuals and a family who is being forced to pay for other people's elective abortions, surgical abortions, against their conscience," the attorney explains.

"It's a fundamental violation of our First Amendment right, and we filed this case in Connecticut to make sure that that does not happen to the Bracy family and other families that are like them."

According to Mattox, a legal victory for Bracy would impact anyone using the exchanges who object to their funds being used to finance abortions.
