
July 23, 2014

Legal Group: Planned Parenthood Continues to Commit Fraud, Misuse Taxpayer Funds

A Christian legal group made public today its latest annual report. It shows alleged wastes, abuse and potential fraud by the nation’s largest abortion seller. The report, issued to Congress, urges federal lawmakers to continue investigating Planned Parenthood’s alleged misuse of taxpayer money.

“The government should use American tax dollars responsibly and for the common good,” said Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster.

“The taxpayers who provide that hard-earned money deserve to know if it’s being funneled to groups that are abusing it.”

The report, “Profit. No Matter What,” reviews audits of the abortion seller and its affiliates for the fiscal year 2013. According to ADF, these audits show a total of more than $115 million in waste, abuse and potential fraud in federal and state family planning funding programs—most of which goes to Planned Parenthood.

The report also highlights other alleged billing violations. Some of them include overbilling for contraceptives and Plan B products.

“When it comes to accountability and transparency, Planned Parenthood’s publicly-funded, billion-dollar abortion empire cannot be given a pass,” Foster explained. “It has to play by the same rules as everyone else.”

Planned Parenthood continues to receive government funds to end the lives of preborn babies. The nation’s largest abortion seller also continues to overlook the safety of women and girls. Ask your lawmakers to stop using our tax dollars in this way.