ROCKFORD - A group of prolifers based in Rockford plan to protest a Republican fundraiser for gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner Wednesday afternoon from 4:30pm – 6:00 pm, outside Giovanni's restaurant.
The Rockford Pro-Life Initiative lists two key concerns for their protest:
- We here in Rockford have a lot of experience with an abortion clinic that celebrated the killing of babies by abortion as a demonic victory over God.
- We here in Rockford know about an abortion mill that did not sanitize surgical instruments and treated mothers like they were less than animals.
"So why are Rockford area Republican leaders trying to bring abortion back to our city by raising funds for the pro-abortion Bruce Rauner?" the group asks. "Republicans like Rep. Joe Sosnoswki, Sen. Dave Syverson, Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christensen, Gloria Cudia, and many other Republican leaders have turned their back on the unborn by raising money for Bruce Rauner, who supports the murder of babies."
GOP candidate Bruce Rauner has said on numerous occasions that he's "personally pro-life," but his wife Diana has been generous to pro-abortion groups at the state and national levels. Rauner says he would support keeping parental notification before abortion in Illinois, but refrains from supporting laws that would increase regulations on abortion clinics and require women be fully informed before an abortion.
The Rockford group says Governor Pat Quinn's administration closed the Rockford Women's Clinic for clinic health code violations.
"Who would have thought that the Illinois Department of Public Health would close the horrific Rockford abortion mill under Democratic Governor Pat Quinn and our local Republican leaders would be doing all in their power to elect a man who would like to begin the killing all over again in Rockford?"
"Together we can show Bruce Rauner and the Winnebago County Republican establishment that every child in the womb is loved by God and is our sister or brother," the group's website says.