By Dave Andrusko, National Right to Life
Of the three categories of posts on National Right to Life News Today that receive the most response, two are especially adroit at combining appeals to the head and to the heart: prenatal development videos and music videos, such as John Elefante's wonderful pro-life, pro-adoption "This Time" ("Pro-Life Music Video 'This Time' goes viral'"
I am making my periodic request to National Right to Life News Today readers for your help. Please send along links to videos that illustrate that most miraculous process–how you and I each started out the same but ended up each unique—and pro-life music videos.
To illustrate what I'm looking for, may I offer, "The case against abortion: prenatal development"
Only 3 minutes and eleven seconds long, the video covers the waterfront –the docks, stevedores, and merchant vessels—at a breakneck speed. In so doing it borrows from many of the finest resources—in print and online—to create a riveting and absolutely convincing case against abortion.
Backed by a pulsating music score, flashing across the screen is the question, "At what point does it become wrong to intentionally abort a developing human being?" Options range from conception through birth.
We see a snapshot of a Gallup poll where 2/3rds support a first-trimester abortion but only 10% support a third trimester abortion. Why the discrepancy?"
Because the former "kills a baby" while a first trimester abortion "kills a bunch of cells…. Or does it?" The remainder of the video races through a highly entertaining, richly informative/persuasive tour conclusively demonstrating the developmental continuity of human beings whose maturation unfolds just the way it is supposed to.
"The case against abortion: prenatal development" begins with a quick perusal of the prenatal photography taken by Lennart Nilsson in his classic, "A Child is Born." We see in these photos the developmental milestones and how remarkably intricate the child even in the first weeks.
Next to flash on a screen is that statement, "Nucleus [Medical] Media creates award winning medical illustrations." Now we are shown the unborn as if her mother's body is translucent. Again, remarkable how developmental sophisticated is the child even in the first trimester.
"On the outside chance you're still envisioning the first trimester embryos and fetuses as shapeless clumps of tissue…" we are introduced to "The biology of prenatal development." As it happens I wrote about this incredible 42-minute-long DVD in 2010.
This documentary utilizes six different imaging technologies to give you unforgettable images inside the womb of the growing baby at the embryonic and fetal stages. The breath-taking real-time pictures that are utilized are of the human embryo in the first three weeks. Without thinking, you have absorbed another lesson in early prenatal development, including the fact that six week embryos have measurable brain impulses.
Then the first of two key truths wrap up, "The case against abortion: prenatal development."
"They may not look like a baby yet, but they look exactly as a human being should look, 21 days after conception."
To finish the point, we see highlighted text from Geraldine Lux Flanagan's book, "Beginning Life" that reads,
"In the hours of conception, every aspect of the genetic inheritance for the new individual will be determined once and for all."
The inescapable conclusion?
"At any stage of pregnancy abortion kills a rapidly developing, genetically distinct human being."
Wow! Do yourself a big favor and watch, "The case against abortion: prenatal development"