
May 16, 2014

Impact of abortion on women, relationships underpublicized

Editor's note. The following is excerpted from a release distributed by the by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada.


A new report by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada highlights "typically ignored" research showing that abortion has negative effects on women and their families.

Interconnected: How abortion impacts mothers, families and our society focuses on the various harms that have been revealed by academic studies and meta-analyses. Impacts on mental health, relationships, sexuality and society are considered.

The report challenges the myth that abortion has no negative ramifications.

Importantly, it also aims to challenge the pervasive idea that abortion is strictly about the one woman who has one.

The paper reflects on the research through the story of Lee, a pro-choice woman for whom abortion had unexpected effects.

Existing research on mental health:

· 42% of post-abortive women reported major depression by age 25

· 39% of post-abortive women suffered anxiety disorders

· 27% of post-abortive women experienced suicide ideation

· A meta-analysis published in the prestigious British Journal of Psychiatry showed an overall 81% greater risk of mental health problems for post-abortive women …

"There are many myths that remain unchallenged about abortion today," says author Andrea Mrozek. "One is that abortion is a neutral and normal part of life. The end result of this mentality is that when women experience negative reactions their grief is compounded. It was with these women in mind that I wrote this paper."

The report claims a body of research demonstrating harmful effects of abortion has been underpublicized by media and, at times, even professional associations such as the APA [American Psychological Association].

"Anyone but the most severe ideologue can see that these scientific studies are a legitimate cause for concern, and yet information about the effects of abortion doesn't reach women who could really use it," says Mrozek.

The report concludes that a better understanding of potential post-abortion outcomes helps women, men and families to make more informed choices.

The study can be found online at