
May 22, 2014

After 42 years, ERA passes the Illinois Senate - ALERT!

ERA activist spill pigs blood on the floor of the Capitol rotunda in 1972

SPRINGFIELD - With not a vote to spare, the Equal Rights Amendment passed the Illinois Senate Thursday afternoon, just a day after it passed committee.

There were no ERA activists spelling legislators' names in pig blood on the Capitol rotunda floor as there were in 1972. Neither was conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, soon to be 90 years old, on hand leading the charge in opposition.

And despite the Senate Democrats' super-majority, the 39 yes, 11 no, and 6 present votes were not along party lines. Two Republicans - Minority Leader Christine Radogno and State Senator Kirk Dillard provided the needed 39 votes.

Dillard's vote surprised observers, as he was endorsed in the 2014 Republican gubernatorial primary by Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly, who has fought the ERA since the early 1970s.

Three Republican women - Senators Karen McConnaughay, Pamela Althoff and Sue Rezin - voted "Present" on the bill, as did two Democrats - Haine and Landek - and one Republican male, Senator Dave Syverson.

The resolution will proceed to the Illinois House, where it may have a more difficult time gathering the needed three-fifths vote.

The Senate roll call is below:

Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 3.53.00 PM

ALERT – What can I do?

Liberal lawmakers showed their corruption and willingness to break Senate rules of procedure today by rushing the ERA to a Senate floor vote.  Normally the Senate rules require three separate days of 'reading a bill' during a Senate session before they bring it up for a vote.  Rather than follow the rules, they rushed the bill to the floor, held a brief debate for such a monumental issue.

The bill has already been sent to the House where they will also try to push it quickly.  Please contact your state representative immediately by both email and phone to urge them against this destructive amendment.  Then reach out to all you know to encourage them to speak up.  This bill will have tremendously destructive effects on women, their families and our society.
Please also take a moment to thank your state senator if they voted against the bill by voting "no" "present," or "not voting."  They deserve our thanks!

Please contact your state representative today to urge them to vote NO on the Equal Rights Amendment.  It is currently listed as SJRCA 75 in the Senate. You can find contact information for your state legislators at (217) 782-2000 or visit:


Information from Illinois Review