
April 30, 2014

Pro-life leaders to mark National Day of Prayer with nationwide Prayer Meeting for the Unborn

Every year on May 1, millions of Christians across America come together under the banner of the National Day of Prayer. Although it's an event focused on praying for the general needs and challenges of our nation, this year one nonprofit organization is making plans to dedicate its prayers to bringing an end to our nation's greatest tragedy — abortion.

"Scripture clearly calls us to protect and defend the innocent, and that most certainly includes the unborn,"  said Brian Fisher, Founder and President of Online for Life. "While we should come together to pray for God's blessing on our country, we cannot expect God to bring revival when we allow an estimated 1.2 million babies to be aborted within our shores every year. Abortion is primarily a spiritual issue, and it is, bar none, the predominant challenge for the American Christian today." 

In an effort to bring this national tragedy into greater focus on the National Day of Prayer, Online for Life has scheduled a stream of the prayer meeting dedicated specifically to praying to end abortion in America. At 10:00 a.m. (CDT) on the National Day of Prayer, pro-life individuals from all across the country can join with Online for Life for the first-ever nationwide prayer meeting of its kind.

Led by Brian Fisher and his fellow Online for Life team members, the prayer meeting will see numerous pro-life leaders come together to pray for the most prominent challenges faced by the pro-life movement today. These include: Brian Fisher, Jim DeMint, Alveda King, Rev. Dean Nelson, Fr. Frank Pavone, Matt Chandler, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Johnny Hunt.

"With so many moving pieces working independently to bring an end to abortion in America," Fisher says, "this prayer time is designed to bring us all together with one purpose: To pray for every facet of our movement that we might see a culture of life restored in America."

According to Online for Life's website, the prayer time will be divided into five separate segments:

1.     A time of prayer for organizations such as Online for Life, which seeks to reach abortion-determined women through online and offline marketing techniques. Participants will also lift up the staff at the nearly 50 participating life-affirming pregnancy centers in 23 states, who love and care for the abortion-determined people that OFL sends their way. 

2.     Prayers will be said for the doctors, nurses and staff who work in abortion clinics. Participants will pray specifically that God softens their hearts and removes the scales from their eyes so they may be set free from the bondage of the abortion industry. 

3.     Prayer meeting participants will then intercede on behalf of activists who participate in life marches across the country, and for those who consistently pray outside of abortion clinics. They will ask God to encourage and strengthen them so they may continue to boldly live out their mission. 

4.     Likewise, participants will spend time praying for those who work to end abortion through the legislative process. As pro-life activists have witnessed in recent years, many state legislatures and assemblies have taken up pivotal bills to protect the right to life in their states. The participants will pray this trend continues and these brave lawmakers will continue to find favor among men and with God.

5.     Finally, participants will lift up those in ministry positions who have served sacrificially in order to speak out for the unborn. They will pray that in the coming year, God will raise up more laborers to proclaim the truth about life during church services and stand as vanguards for Scriptural truth regarding abortion.

With the theme of this year's National Day of Prayer being "One Voice United in Prayer," Fisher cannot think of more appropriate words to usher in the first-ever Online for Life live prayer meeting. "Much like the body of Christ, the pro-life movement is made up of many parts. But on this day, at this prayer meeting, we'll bring all the parts together — united in prayer — to advance the cause of life."

To learn more about the National Prayer Call, please visit the website, where you can also register to participate and then download a copy of the prayer call agenda.
