
April 25, 2014

Federal, state governments pay Planned Parenthood to sign people up for ObamaCare

A new report by The Daily Caller has revealed that the California state ObamaCare exchange is using taxpayer money to pay Planned Parenthood to sign people up for ObamaCare.

According to the California Health Benefit Advisers, as a certified "enrollment entity," the abortion giant receives $58 for each new person it signs up for ObamaCare, another $58 for each dependent, and $25 for each successful renewal.  A total of 38 Planned Parenthood facilities in the state are currently listed as "enrollment entities," alongside labor unions, community organizing groups, and others approved for the kickback-style program.

This isn't the first time ObamaCare's passage has resulted in massive payoffs for Planned Parenthood.  On the federal level, the Obama administration also provided the organization with hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to help its affiliates become ObamaCare "navigators," which grants them access to federal databases containing the sensitive personal, medical and financial information of millions of Americans. 

The administration's "Champions for Coverage" program also funnels money to abortion providers in exchange for promoting ObamaCare to their clients.

Matthew Clark of the American Center for Law and Justice says he's not at all surprised that ObamaCare has become such a cash cow for Planned Parenthood.  In a recent op-ed, he noted that even if the administration wasn't directly funneling taxpayer funds into the group's coffers, the system is set up to expand access to and increase insurance coverage for abortion and contraception – the very things Planned Parenthood is selling.

"The abortion industry and the Obama Administration have been in cahoots from the beginning," Clark wrote.  "The individual mandate, the employer mandate followed by the HHS abortion-pill mandate, 'School-based Health Centers,' expansion of Medicaid, federal subsidies, the abortion surcharge on insurance, and on and on make ObamaCare a smorgasbord of opportunity for big abortion." 

"Isn't it time we stop subsidizing an industry that makes its living perpetuating death?" asked Clark.