
March 25, 2014

POLST Bill SB3076 Passes out of Committee

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Update on POLST Bill SB3076

The bill passed out of Public Health Committee today. Two Senators voted against the bill: Senators LaHood and Oberweis.  Seven voted in favor of the bill.


1.     SB 3076 amends the Illinois Physician's Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment [POLST] form to allow for "practitioners" other than physicians to sign the POLST form. The other "practitioners" include "advanced practical nurse, physician's assistant or licensed resident after completion of one year in a program." 
2.     SB 3076 does not distinguish between terminal or non-terminal conditions for withholding treatment.  As proposed in the bill this form promotes withholding treatment instead of protection for patients. 
  (For example: A patient who signs a POLST form can check a box "do-not-attempt-resuscitation" if he/she stops breathing and the pulse stops. This is an "actionable medical order" to do nothing even if CPR would clearly be called for in a medical situation. For example, an allergic reaction to a medication can stop the breathing and pulse, but most patients would want to have CPR. The POLST form says NO).
3.     SB3076 changes the long-standing relationship of doctor and patient in matters of end-of-life decisions by having nurses and even less qualified physician's assistants talk to patients about these decisions and authorize "actionable medical orders" including "do-not-resuscitate" orders even in non-terminal situations.

4.     SB3076 will confuse many elderly and frail patients who may not understand the various options available to them with a POLST form.  They require more education and options thaN the POLST form provides.  

5.     SB3076 has the support of private foundations that have put their money into promoting euthanasia organizations.


Contact your state senator, urge him/her to vote NO on SB 3076 - the POLST bill when it comes to a vote.  You can find you legislator's contact information at: