
March 14, 2014

Free Birth Control Does Increase Risky Sex

According to the study "Change in Sexual Behavior With Provision of No-Cost Contraception," published online Thursday, March 5th, 2014 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, little evidence was found to support concerns of increased sexual risk-taking behavior subsequent to greater access to no-cost contraception.

Walter and Lori Hoye founders of the Issues4Life Foundation, find evidence within the same study contrary to the studies published conclusion disagree and are alarmed at the blatant disregard of significant facts within the study's data.

USA Today's March 7th, 2014 article titled "Study: Free birth control does not increase risky sex" stated: "researchers looked at data on 7,751 participants ages 14 to 45 who completed follow-up surveys. All were either sexually active with men or planning to become active when the study began. Among those without partners at the start, just 5% were virgins."

Again according to the study: "46% who were virgins at the beginning of the study were still virgins, despite their earlier intentions to start having sex."

Studying the effects FREE birth control will have on women who are already sexually active and possibly using some form of birth control will show few if any significant changes in behavior and yield the BIG abortion/more birth control result of minimal, if any increase in risky, promiscuous behavior. Similar to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and serving FREE drinks as the ship is sinking to passengers already on board.

Studying the effects FREE birth control will have on women who have NEVER been sexually active or used birth control, however will reveal different results. The study showed that just 5% were virgins among those without partners at the time of the survey. At the end of the study only 46% were still virgins, which means 54% were NO LONGER virgins. This is a 54% INCREASE in sexual activity from a group of women who started at 0% and were given FREE birth control.

  • 54% INCREASE in exposure to sexually transmitted diseases
  • 54% INCREASE in exposure to the side effects of birth control products
  • 54% INCREASE in potential customers for BIG abortion aka Planned Parenthood
  • 54% INCREASE in potential revenue for BIG abortion aka Planned Parenthood
  • 54% INCREASE in hurt and harm for women

The study's Project Director and researcher at Washington University, Gina Secura says. "It's not as if getting birth control opened the floodgates' on sexual activity."

If your business gave away FREE samples and had a 54% INCREASE in customers from a customer base that would NEVER have bought your product before, wouldn't that be significant?

Not only is a 54% INCREASE in sexual activity a FLOOD and more than enough reason to continue fighting against the HHS Mandate and Obamacare, this is the same tactic used by Planned Parenthood in the 1960s when targeting Black Americans for abortions. This three (3) minute clip from Life Dynamics' Maafa21 DVD, featuring Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, Inc. in Denton, Texas and Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., Pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church in New Jersey, drives this point home.

Mark Crutcher says: "To understand what the agenda was behind the legalization of abortion, all you need to do is look at statistics from the U.S. government. Studies from the CDC show that, prior to legalization of abortion, approximately 80% of all illegal abortions were done on white women. One study in New York even found that white women had five-times as many abortions as black women. But at the moment abortion became legal, that began to reverse. And that's why the legalization of abortion was so crucial for the eugenics movement. Legalization created the ability to market abortion in the black community and, from a eugenics standpoint, that changed everything."

David Kyle, writer, director and producer of "BloodMoney," says,  "Women and girls are given this false sense of security that if they use birth control pills they won't get pregnant. Planned Parenthood knows statistically -- without a doubt -- that X number of women will get pregnant with or without birth control. Planned Parenthood knows that when someone doesn't use birth control perfectly, the failure rate just skyrockets."

Even the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood's own research arm concludes in their February 2014, "Fact Sheet" entitled "Induced Abortion in the United States" that: "Fifty-one (51%) percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).

As Christians we should not be forced to cooperate with BIG Abortion's push to target Black Americans for abortion by FLOODING our neighborhood's with birth control knowing the wholesale destruction of human lives that lies ahead.

Contact: Walter B. Hoye II, Issues4Life Foundation