
February 21, 2014

The Illinois Federation for Right to Life Political Action Committee announces the endorsement of Kirk Dillard

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The Illinois Federation for Right to Life Political Action Committee (IFRL-PAC) announces the endorsement of Kirk Dillard as the Republican candidate for Governor in the Illinois primary to be held in March of 2014.

The protection of the lives of unborn children in Illinois and the nation is the foundation upon which we build all other rights. If we do not restore and maintain protection of the right to life for the weakest and most helpless members of our society, we ourselves become endangered.

Kirk Dillard has demonstrated that he fully understands the foundational nature of the right to life. We believe that as Governor he will continue to work to protect innocent life in Illinois as well as the disabled and those at risk at the end of life. 

The March 2014 primary is of the utmost importance to the pro-life movement. Bruce Rauner does not support our cause. We urge pro-life voters to unite behind one candidate and we believe that Kirk Dillard should be that candidate. For the sake of the unborn it is imperative that we elect a pro-life Governor. We ask those who believe life is sacred to join us and support Kirk Dillard for Governor. 

The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is a statewide organization with local affiliates throughout the State of Illinois.

Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life Political Action Committee

This ad is paid for by the IFRL-PAC, connected with the Illinois Federation for Right to Life, Inc. and was not authorized by any of the candidates. Joe Behnken Treasurer. A copy of our report is on file and is available for purchase from the Federal Election Commission, Washington, D.C., and the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.