
January 30, 2014

Candidate Questionnaire Exposes Personal PAC's Abortion Agenda for Illinois


After two decades of legal and political obstruction, Illinois finally enacted a law allowing parents to be notified before their minor children obtain abortions. A small victory, and a modicum of restraint after Illinois' long retreat from human decency.

Some might think that would be the end of it. Like Obamacare, liberals would accept that parental notification is now the law. After all, except for notification, there are few restrictions on abortion in Illinois.

But the fight is never over for the profiteering proctors of prenatal death. Private and public money is too plentiful and flows too freely into the pockets of Illinois' pro-abortion politicians.

The primary channel through which Illinois' feticide money cascades is Personal PAC, which seems to be telegraphing its future agenda through its 2014 endorsement questionnaire.

"The status of reproductive health care in the U.S. is shameful and is held hostage by narrow religious beliefs," says Personal PAC's questionnaire to Illinois candidates. "Going forward, much more needs to be accomplished..."

So, what specifically does Personal PAC plan to accomplish in Illinois?

Passing FOCA

The abortion industry is nervous about the possibility of the U.S. Supreme Court reconsidering their 1973 Roe vs Wade decision that legalized abortion. Personal PAC asks (below) if the candidate supports passing a state Freedom of Choice Act (commonly referred to as FOCA), which would keep nearly unrestricted abortion legal in Illinois even if the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade.

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Overturning Parental Notification:

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Continuing to require public schools to teach sexually-explicit classes to children starting at K-5:

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Forcing pharmacists or medical personnel who conscientiously object to distributing abortifacients to provide referrals for other resources that provide them:

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Making Illinois taxpayers fund all abortions for women on Medicaid, and pay for state government employees' insurance to cover abortion:

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Requiring Crisis Pregnancy Centers to publicize that they do not provide abortion services:

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Making it illegal for Illinois health care plans not to cover abortifacients, birth control and sterilization; and for Illinois hospitals to be required to offer emergency abortifacients to sex assault victims:

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Personal PAC even goes so far as to ask candidates to clarify their positions by repeating previous questions with different, more strident wording:

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Personal PAC's agenda also includes:

Heading off any public policy discussion about requiring an ultrasound prior to performing an abortion:

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Preventing any public policy discussion or debate about scientific evidence regarding the use of adult stem cells versus embryonic stem cells:

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Requiring taxpayers to fund all "emergency" contraceptives (ECs) for girls and women, and providing legal recourse and protection against anyone withholding them. They also want health plans to be required to provide ECs, and all Illinois hospitals - no matter what denomination or religious belief sponsors them - to be required to distribute them.

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Passing the Reproductive Health & Access Act (RHAA), which provides further legal protection for all manner of abortion:

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Personal PAC writes: "Decisions about reproductive health care are private, and should be made by a woman, in consultation with her doctor, in accordance with her personal beliefs and values, and not government."

Ironically, in its push to be free from government, the RHAA uses government to deny others their religious liberties and parental rights in order to protect abortion.

Personal PAC also wants to judge candidate's commitment to "sexual freedom" asking them about their religious beliefs and whether they support abortion rights unequivocally.

They even ask the candidates if they will support pro-abortion politicians for their caucus leadership.

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Illinoisans should find it interesting to learn which candidates earn the approval and recommendation of Personal PAC.

Source: Illinois Review