
December 20, 2013

Women of the National Black Prolife Coalition Denounce Planned Parenthood's Latest Propaganda Maneuver

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Women of the National Black Prolife Coalition (NBPLC) believe Planned Parenthood is continuing its age old strategy of targeting the black community by enlisting members of the black elite to promote their organization. The Root's article "How Black Women are Saving Planned Parenthood" is the most recent example of the propaganda machine they employ. The NBPLC denounces this practice pointing to the hundreds if not thousands of women that have been hurt in Planned Parenthood abortion chambers and the millions of babies that have died as they have grown their business into the leading abortion provider in the nation.

"To this day I remain haunted by the death of Tonya Reaves, a vibrant young twenty four year old that Planned Parenthood in Chicago left bleeding for more than five hours after a failed abortion of her fifth month of pregnancy," said Catherine Davis, Founder of the Restoration Project. "She did not have to die. But Planned Parenthood had so little regard for her life they refused to transport her 1.7 miles down the street where lifesaving help in one of the leading trauma centers was available." 

The NBPLC believes this is because Planned Parenthood has an agenda of population control and the life of the mother is expendable as they strive to achieve "a U. S. population of stable size" (as revealed in their 2008 tax filing). "Instead of helping to eliminate poverty, these elitists seek to eliminate the poor. This race genocide must stop," said Connie Eller of Missouri Blacks for Life. "Black women who support Planned Parenthood are participating in the evil elimination and denigration of other Black women and children," she continued.

"Their model has not changed," said Day Gardner of the National Black Prolife Union. "Since the days of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood has been adept at ferreting out advocates who care more for money and power than people. The result is over 55,000,000 children slaughtered, and thousands of women injured, some unto death."

"Planned Parenthood has a history of promoting the government's eugenicist plan to reduce the black population by employing black women," notes La Verne Tolbert, PhD, a former board member of Planned Parenthood. "In the early 1970s Faye Wattleton was the first black voice to promote abortion. She was always elegant on television as she debated Catholic clergy who wore their tab white collars -- the perfect visual contrast Planned Parenthood needed as Faye championed black women to abort their babies."

"Planned Parenthood's callous use of black elitist women to smooth talk their way into the homes of vulnerable black women and take advantage of them is notorious. Rather than providing life affirming assistance, they sell them deadly contraceptives and abortion," said Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach, Priests for Life.

"This racist genocide must stop."

Contact: Catherine Davis, Women of the National Black Prolife Coalition