
October 24, 2013

HPV ,Gardasil and Death

Japan withdraws support of controversial HPV vaccine over safety concerns
While jurisdictions throughout the Western world continue to promote the HPV vaccine, the Japanese government has pulled its support of the controversial drug and sent formal notifications to local health officials saying that it should not be administered until safety concerns are investigated.
The vaccines in question, Gardasil and Cervarix, are meant to combat Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), thought to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. HPV is known to cause multiple types of cancers, including cervical, anal, penile, and throat cancer.
The vaccines do not prevent cancer cells from forming in the body but purport to prevent the four most common strains of HPV, out of an estimated 150 strains.
Japan acted on a report by Japanese internist and cardiologist, Dr. Sataro Sato, who revealed that since the vaccine was introduced in 2010, almost 2,000 adverse events were reported to the country's Vaccine Adverse Reactions Review Committee, including 358 cases that were evaluated as serious.
Dr. Sato wrote that the manufacturers of Gardasil and Cervarix state in their own documentation that their vaccines may cause seizures and/or brain damage.
"Much the same as in the US, UK, Australia and other countries, Japanese obstetricians and gynecologists advocated HPV vaccines as a highly effective method of preventing uterine cervical cancer," Dr. Sato stated. "HPV vaccination programs began in 2010 under a recommendation made by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (JMHLW) to administer HPV vaccines to girls from 11 to 14 years old."
Dr. Sato's report notes that parents of vaccine victims began calling the country's health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases girls injected with the vaccine lost consciousness and fell to the floor, suffering head or face injuries.
"In the early period of the HPV vaccination program, many girls who were injected with the vaccine fell down to the floor within several minutes injuring their heads or faces. Some girls fractured their jaws and teeth," Dr. Sato wrote.
As evidence of serious adverse reactions to the drugs – such as seizures, blindness, paralysis, speech problems, pancreatitis, Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome, and death – began to mount, a national organization, the Nationwide Liaison Association of Cervical Cancer Vaccine Victims and Parents was formed to stop the distribution of the drugs to the children of unsuspecting families.
One of the case reports that Dr. Sato attributes to reaction to the HPV vaccine was that of a junior high school girl who, on the 6th day after injection, suffered cardiac and pulmonary arrest after running a relay in training for a sports festival at school. The girl had no record of previous illness.
"CPR was successful by ambulance team at school and by doctors in a hospital. But severe brain damage occurred. She went on to an artificial respirator for one week," Dr. Sato reported.
Dr. Sato concluded that the negative health effects of Gardasil and Cervarix are serious and that long-term consequences are not well understood, noting that, "vaccine manufacturers have an obligation of post-licensure vigilance."
In 2008, the Washington-based public interest group Judicial Watch reported that it obtained more than 8,000 reports from the US Food and Drug Administration, under the US Freedom of Information law, of adverse events in girls and young women after they were injected with Gardasil.
The reports reveal everything from massive wart outbreaks to seizures, paralysis and deaths, with 28 deaths associated with Gardasil in 2008 alone.
"The FDA is supposed to be a guardian of public health, and yet the agency continues to turn a blind eye to what seems to be an extremely serious public health problem. The public relations push for Gardasil by Merck, politicians and public health officials needs to pause so that these adverse reactions can be further studied," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "The already serious problems associated with Gardasil seem to be getting worse. No one should require this vaccine for young children."
Gwen Landolt, national vice-president of REAL Women of Canada, commented on the lack of proper testing before Gardasil was pushed through the approval process in Canada.
"The long-term consequences of Gardasil are not known," Landolt said. "The manufacturer admits this and agrees it does not know its effect on young girls' cancer risk, on their immune system, on their reproductive system, or its genetic effects.  In due course, we will know this, possibly in twenty or thirty years from now when these young girls, the innocent subjects of the Gardasil experiment, have become grown women and then report the consequences of their having taken the medication in their childhood on medical advice."
"It could well be that the vaccine may not do a thing to protect anyone from cervical cancer, regardless of the claims being made by Merck Pharmaceutical," Judicial Watch concluded. "What the vaccine is causing is death and immense suffering among those who have been vaccinated."
Contact: Thaddeus Baklinski,