
September 4, 2013

Sex education for kindergarteners has only one agenda

The Chicago Public Schools are this year mandating that kindergartners receive sex education lessons. Opponents say it's a way of exposing them to the homosexual lifestyle.
The CEO of the Chicago Public Schools is emphasizing that this curriculum will be age appropriate. But Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute says that is misleading.
"What all the talk about is that from the perspective of those on the left, there is virtually nothing that is considered inappropriate," she points out. "But they believe that it's appropriate to talk to kindergarteners about diverse family structures. And what that means is talking about families that are led by homosexuals."
She says that sex education lessons for young students just beginning school are out of place.
"Five-year-olds are not sexual beings, except in the world of progressives," she says. "They're not thinking about sex, they're not having sexual feelings. And so this is completely unnecessary, and parents are capable of handling this."
She says parents of Chicago-area public school students should opt their children out of any lessons involving homosexuality or gender confusion.
Contact: Bob Kellogg,